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Evaluation of My Final Product and Process

We set out to demonstrate clear links between our music choice, stimulus choice and our choreography as this was a new experience for the pair of us. I had previously never used stimuli or picked music to choreograph to, so I was worried that the reasons for picking each bit would not be clear enough to an audience. However, I think the choreography that Darcey and I created ties each choice together and presents the motifs distinctly, (breath and deterioration), in our piece. Our creative journey has been extremely positive and exciting, involving highs and lows but an overall incredible experience. We have taken lots of inspiration from our chosen practitioner, Crystal Pite, to create our choreography but at least half is just from working through the movements together. Next time, I would attempt to be more organised with filming new sections from the session as I have found them extremely helpful when returning back to the piece after a week or long period of time to prompt me if I

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