Personal Development Reflection


Yesterday, Darcey and I finished creating our piece. Whilst it is now complete, it does need polishing in terms of redefining counts and whether feet are pointed or flexed etc.  This is purely just for Darcey and I to make the piece more detailed and any movement such as head to chest has already been used to emphasize breath and carry any motifs and metaphors towards an audience. As the weeks have passed, we have both done an increasing amount of research into Crystal Pite’s choreographic works, mainly focusing on ‘The Seasons Canon’ and ‘Flight Pattern’. We have used these pieces as inspiration for movement phrases and also how we can incorporate dynamic values into a fluid and soft piece of choreography and music.

 Over the course of the last eight week, Darcey and I have faced numerous challenges whilst attempting to create our piece. For example, we attempted to finish our choreography last week. Whilst it would have been possible, both of us faced a choreography block during the session and could not add much onto the piece. Sometimes when this happens, we watch videos of other dances to find inspiration but that did not help last week so we had to accept how the session had turned out and try again in the next session. We have also forgotten to film new sections of work, which results in us forgetting what we have made. Usually, we are able to remember after spending some more time recapping the piece and during a select few session we have had to rechoreograph.

 After looking into Crystal Pite, we both found her works to be a source of inspiration and have looked back on her pieces to find complex movement patterns or positions to integrate into our piece.


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