Exploring Stimuli and Music

After looking at all stimuli options, I chose stimulus three which is a picture called ‘Relic’ by jflaxman. I was drawn to it as the lack of colour and post-apocalyptic setting would allow me to explore how our lives could be impacted through the choices we make as the current population, but also how the human condition defines our choices, using movement. I hope to be able to explore how the relationship between stimulus, music and movement can be carried out and encourage the audience to embrace a sense of curiosity surrounding how our world could look if we don’t change over overall lifestyle and tendencies such as fast fashion and pollution. Having a stimulus helps us to create as it provides a 
starting point and different aspects to analyse/focus on.

Once we selected our stimulus, we were put into groups to further analyse the different aspects of the picture and then pick which music we want to use. We made notes on each option and how we feel it correlates to our stimulus. Darcey and I picked option two which was ‘view from the other side / day five’ by Ludovico Einaudi as it is generally slow with lots of pauses but also builds as it progresses. This would encourage us to develop the growing situation that is present in the image by manipulating the dynamic and changing valves in the music.

We will need to research jflaxman and the image ‘Relic’ using any existing articles surrounding jflaxman’s work and will use our findings to develop our creative process to have more understanding and depth. We may also look into other videos of contemporary dance for inspiration and how the theme is presented through movement.


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